
Don't be loud, don't show off.

If you love yourself too much, you won't fit through the door.

Don't take up too much space.

Stand out from the crowd, but don't attract too much attention. Be smart, but be humble, and be nice.

You are everything and nothing all at once.Be dominant, but don't dominate. Be useful, be valuable, but don't feel enough.

Aspire to the masculine, but stay feminine.

Stay pretty, don't age. Don't you dare age. You are here to be looked at, to be touched, to be an object.

Compete, but only with other women. You don't live up to man.

You are woman. You are everything but Nothing all at once.

-But I am strong, and I am capable. I am insecure and secure. I am vulnerable and human and good. I am determind, I am able.

I am intelligent.

I can move mountains with my words.

I am complex. I can challange you, question you, learn from you. Change.

I am strong. I am capable.

I take up space.I am larger than life.

I demand to be seen.I am Woman. And I am Everything.


Happy International Women's Day, loves. I thought I'd post a bonus little Short in honour of this wonderous day. Keep fighting the good fight, ladies.

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After the Fact.

